Fuck Udi. Don't know why anyone gives him any attention except I guess he's fun to hate? Twitter loves giving attention to people who are fun to hate.
I think people give him attention because he's super thoughtful, has really interesting ideas informed by deep technical expertise, and isn't afraid to rock the boat. That's why I like him.
No he's fucking not! All of his whining amounts to "Why don't the Bitcoin maxis attack us for minting tokens we can sell to people?" and then he uses the usual mentally disconnected justifications for this. Shit like "tech neutral innovation" and "the maxis are just close minded"
He's literally just kicking and screaming and whining about a very simple minded thing.
Have you read the article?
I’ve spoken with him once on my podcast and really enjoyed the conversation. For a while it was my most popular episode too, so I suppose listeners also really enjoyed it.
No I didn't read the article. Fuck Udi why are people giving him attention no I'm not about to give him attention myself.
Thanks for the pointer! When did it come out? It's not obvious from the link.