That is a frightening username.
I am choosing ELECTRUM on my Windows PC and keeping it in a separate USB drive with its portable version.
So like this video says you want to be using a fresh image (tails USB is specifically what its recommending) and removing all wireless from it. That means the WiFi NIC, Bluetooth, and no connecting via Ethernet is not acceptable either. 100% disconnected from the internet.
So that's probably going to work fine for the amount we're looking at (heck a hot wallet is probably fine for the amount we're looking at) but like idk what country you're from. I've seen people say they can live off of stacker news tips because they're just from a country were you can live off of that amount of money.
Anyway, so this probably isn't useful right now given the size of your stack, but since you did play around with all kinds of shitcoins, do Bitcoin the courtesy of playing around with all kinds of setups and wallets.
At a certain point, maybe you'll appreciate the methodology of Liana wallet: Which is, no BIP 39 seed phrases, just have a lot of devices and timelocks laying around that losing or bricking a few PCs doesn't mean you lose your funds because you just have access to your funds on so many devices.
Maybe one day, you'll have saved so much money that you start to think about glacier: Or maybe you take a few lessons from glacier now, but think this or that part of its recommendations is not for you right now.
There's a lot to learn. So if you're ever bored and you think there's nothing left, you're wrong. Hit up SN so we can point you in the direction of something new.
Thanks a lot for such a detailed description. There are lot of new terms here like Glacier, BIP 39 etc. that I have to read about. But rightnow my first priority is to dump all shitcoins and move to BTC. Although, I am new so understanding BTC addresses, NIPs, hot and cold wallets, Mutiny, Electrum, BlueWallet, XRP address etc. seems too overwhelming so playing with whatever little shit I have.
Once I gain confidence, I might be able to buy BTC from my savings which is around 200-300 USD. Thank you all. I appreciate so much.