pull down to refresh
Isnt that bolt12 in action?
I have bolt12 options in my CLN node now but it doesn't seem to be integrated into Phoenix, Breez, or Mutiny yet...any mobile lightning apps out there that support it that you are aware of?
What is?
The ability to receive payment even when the node is offline.
In typical nodes, your node has to stay online to communicate with the sender and be able to auto generate an invoice.
Bolt12 does that even if the sender cant communicate live with the receiver node.
Where did you read that?
afaik bolt12 does not solve the offline receive problem. It solves the lack of static invoice problem, but it still needs to ask the receiving node for a bolt11 invoice before it can pay the node. I could be wrong though.
Some of the tech behind bolt12 will help enable offline receives but no, bolt12 as it is does not help receiving offline. It just handles the static invoice part.
Oh, you are right. You will receive the payment when you go online, i believe. But you dont need to be online to provide an invoice. Thats how i understand it.
If your node is offline, does bolt12 allow you to send a payment to that node? I don't think it does. iirc Your node needs to be online to provide the underlying bolt11 invoice as a response to a bolt12 request.