Hi everyone,
my name is Egge and I am one of Starbackrs founders. Recently we pushed the biggest updates since our launch and one of the key-features is the one-click-payment, that can be used to subscribe, open a paygate, or simply tip a creator.
Here is a video demo: https://twitter.com/Egge24_/status/1517163943378272257
At Starbackr we strive to make Lightning more accessible to everyone, Bitcoiners and Precoiners alike. By adding the "With Starbackr Wallet" button we removed a lot of the friction and the mental overhead that normally comes with lightning transactions. Of course we kept it open by also adding the "With External Wallet" button that will display a BOLT11 invoice, payable with any lightning wallet.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. We highly appreciate any feedback!