Hi everyone, my name is Egge and I am one of Starbackrs founders. Recently we pushed the biggest updates since our launch and one of the key-features is the one-click-payment, that can be used to subscribe, open a paygate, or simply tip a creator.
At Starbackr we strive to make Lightning more accessible to everyone, Bitcoiners and Precoiners alike. By adding the "With Starbackr Wallet" button we removed a lot of the friction and the mental overhead that normally comes with lightning transactions. Of course we kept it open by also adding the "With External Wallet" button that will display a BOLT11 invoice, payable with any lightning wallet.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. We highly appreciate any feedback!
I'm already used to thinking about how many sats I wanna send.
I'd suggest adding sats unit instead of fiat, or at least giving the option to switch.
I feel you. We are currently playing around with different approaches that don't "bloat" the UI. The obvious one would be a currency-switch on all payment modals, but maybe it would be better to have the user set their preferred currency in their account settings. We will figure it out!
Freshly Photoshopped Hopium Of The Day
Any plans for an app?
Yes! When we built V2 (the update, which replaced our MVP) we made sure everything can be ported to a mobile app eventually. Its on our roadmap for early Q3.
Nice looking forward to it!
Technically, that's 2 clicks 😉 but looks pretty nifty!
I've always struggled with what the UX should be for funding site actions on SN in contexts where it might be appropriate to use external funds.
This is a nice UX for it. I've wondered if it might be better to just default to the user's wallet and only if they don't have enough funds for the action prompt for an external source
You are absolutely right! Two clicks... And I love the idea of programmatically checking if there is balance in the users wallet and only showing the QR if not.