It is chilly today in my neck of the woods. As the season moves from summer to fall, we have the NHL and NBA gearing up to start their seasons in the next 2-4 weeks and of course October postseason baseball right around the corner.
When MLB first introduced the wild card I was in high school. My english literature teacher at the time was also my coach on the baseball team. I skipped a bunch of days of class to watch division series games that were happening during the day. When the schedule turned to night games only, I was magically cured of whatever ailment I purported to have (don't even recall) and went back to class. My teacher/coach pulled me aside after class and said "were you actually sick or were you watching the baseball playoffs while I was stuck here?". Haha, he was a bit jealous he was missing some exciting games. It was early in the school year, lots of time to catch up. I ended up with an A in the class.
As much as I enjoy the NFL, nothing beats postseason baseball for me.
So as the calendar turns to fall, shill me what you are most looking forward to in the sports world during the fall season.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
I do like that chant. Back when I was foolish and was a Leafs fan and used to go to Leafs games in Buffalo, I always had to stop myself from joining in the let's go Buffalo chant.
I'm just here to applaud you on 78 days of stacker sports, keep it up!
88 day cowboy streak. Don't jinx it though. I have a call later today about a contract job I might take, which would render me with less time on my hands. Will still find the time to keep the streak going, just might need to shift my posting times.
"Ok, I am happy to take this job and add value to your organization but I am going to need a siesta for 2 hours a day so I can post on stacker news." haha
Mets postseason...nope Jets regular season...nope
3 days till NHL pre season
Getting ready to host your "one man on an island" islander post game shows on SN? Pro tip to enhance engagement, create an alt account like I did with the survivor pool account, and you will always have someone to talk to. Haha.
Turns out your fellow Jets brethren, @btc_bellzer not only defeated you in the weekly pick em contest but is also a turncoat who supports the Rangers. Who knew?
The good old days of competing chants: Ranger fan: "Beat your wife, Potvin"
Islander fan: "1940"