It was a great think to see.
I just wanted to know your opinion...In a Telegram group were talking about your initiative and one of the Admin posted: "Be careful participating in group Bitcoin payment events, they could be trying to collect data."
Another comment: "Privacy is metadata. Loss of privacy happens when you reveal metadata to more witnesses than you need to. Here is one of the invoices he paid, decoded: This info can also be used to probe the channels, monitor the node, and all of this contributes to being able to monitor the network graph This data can also be correlated with the username of the account that posted it, etc."
So, my question is if this is a real issue, how can we use LN for receiving payment in a private way? Or this comments are not ...
If you post a LN invoice that is about to buy something more private (I would not mention what) and sensitive, then yes, never do it.
But if you just about buying a beer from a local that si already know WHERE and WHO is it, what is the problem?
If we are afraid to pay with sats for a beer, I don't know why we are going to get out on the streets anymore, just stay at home, do nothing.
Yes, indeed a LN invoice posted on public forums is not indicated.
In this particular case is just about onboarding new people and making an exsperiement. As I said in the instructions post: you can use whatever LN wallet. For those "privacy" obsessed people, they could just spin-up a new LN wallet and use it exclusively for this experiment, I don't care.
Paying for a beer, I t don't think is such a danger to be arrested or killed or something. Sometimes people are going too extreme with all these "privacy" concerns. You will find from a LN invoice who is receiving but not who is sending or from where...
how can we use LN for receiving payment in a private way?
I wrote several guides about that (I hope you read them):
.... and many more.
We should start living without fear anymore.