I also tried many neobanks and cryptobanks. Stayed away from traditional bank for about 10 years now.
I know it will not please people to say this here, but the best crypto bank/card I know is in the Ethereum world. It's called Monolith and it's nothing short of amazing: a totally non custodial wallet linked to a prepaid Visa. You upload ETH or any tokens to your card when you need to use it, while keeping full custody of your money. Simple as pie, decent fees, works like charm.
I've been wondering for long why there isn't anything similar in the Bitcoin world. I saw a few things in the past, but I don't think they survived. Maybe I'm wrong but if you know a non custodial Bitcoin wallet linked to a bank card, I'm definitely interested.
Ugh... I just looked at the page, and I didn't like the initial logo AT ALL, with that eye. Too "Illuminati" and conspiratorial. And on top of that in ETH, with its own TKN token and you would have to read the T&C... no way.
Pay with moon (https://paywithmoon.com) is the card that I liked the most, and it supports Bitcoin, but it has certain restrictions with its use, merchants, etc. It's a shame, because it looks fabulous.
Not crazy about the eye either but like the monolith. Probably a generational thing (Space Odyssey and stuff).
You don't need to use TKN token. Never had a single one and been using their card for years...