Firstly, make sure you read this great approachable free book titled 'The Great Taking' by David Webb. It is just 97 pages long.
David highlights a lot of things that we know already about our tainted system, but with a different lens and end-game to what many Bitcoiners expect...

📖 What is this book about?

  • It is about the taking of collateral, all of it, the end game of this globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.
  • Included are all financial assets, all money on deposit at banks, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property.
  • Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will be similarly taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses, which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
  • There are now no property rights to securities held in book-entry form in any jurisdiction, globally. In the grand scheme to confiscate all collateral, dematerialization of securities was the essential first step.
  • Essentially all securities “owned” by the public in custodial accounts, pension plans and investment funds are now encumbered as collateral underpinning the derivatives complex, which is so large—an order of magnitude greater than the entire global economy—that there is not enough of anything in the world to back it.
  • Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities described in court documents as “the protected class.” Even sophisticated profes- sional investors, who were assured that their securities are “segregated”, will not be protected.
  • The planning and efforts began over half a century ago. That there was some great strategic purpose behind dematerialization is evidenced by the fact that the CIA was assigned the mission.
  • We are now living within a hybrid war conducted almost entirely by deception, and thus designed to achieve war aims with little energy input. It is a war of conquest directed not against other nation states but against all of humanity.

❓Who are they?

  • George Soros said to me, “You don’t know what they can do,” it was these people to whom he referred. Now, to be absolutely clear, it is these very few people, who are hidden from you, who are behind this war against humanity. You may never know who they are. The people you are allowed to see are hired “face men” and “face women.” They are expendable.

🔽 Deflation

  • Consider that in the period from the 1920s into the 1950’s (more than three decades), there was little recovery in price level. Think of the absolutely massive demand drivers present through those decades:
  1. electrification and all it enabled (e.g., refrigeration, appliances of all kinds, industrial machinery);
  2. the automobile and the associated build-out of the highway system and suburbanization;
  3. telecommunications (telephone, radio, television);
  4. air travel;
  5. a global war, followed by the Korean War and Cold War arms race;
  6. population growth. 

📆 Today

  • No such drivers of demand are present now. It is quite the opposite. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics are inherently deflationary. We are told that people are not needed. Perhaps that is a tad deflationary.
  • The “inflation” we are now seeing is not due to strength in the global economy. The underlying intractable problem of our time is not inflation but deflation. The “inflation” is illusory; it is created by massive devaluation of money and artificial scarcity (consider the implications of the Nordstream sabotage).
  • Some take comfort in saying that the Fed will lower rates again when they are forced to do so. Have you noticed that they are not lowering rates despite the first bank failures.
  • The Fed is sharply increasing rates into economic weakness, and a banking crisis. This is exactly what was done in the Great Depression. And they are doing this with the bizarre and cruel justification of fighting wage growth!
  • When the “Everything Bubble” is imploded, we will face a deflationary depression, which will span many years, even decades. This coming Great Deflation is intrinsic to the Great Taking.
  • As in the Great Depression, prolonged deflation will assure that people who are in debt will not be able to make payments on their debts, let alone repay them. They will be trapped. All property and businesses financed with debt will be taken.
  • With profound and persistent deflation assured to stretch over many years, debt becomes a powerful weapon of conquest.

✍️ Strong Words

  • The wealthy assume that, because the system has allowed them to accumulate wealth, they will be protected in some way, that they are special. You are special. They’re saving you for dessert.
  • You have been allowed to chase profits while the wellbeing and resilience of your people have been broadly and systematically eliminated. There are monsters under the stairs eating people alive. But you don’t want to look under the stairs, because you want to keep using the stairs.
  • We are in the grip of the greatest evil humanity has ever faced (or refused to acknowledge, as the case may be). Hybrid war is unlimited. It has no bounds. It is global, and it is inside your head. It is never-ending.
  • The people controlling this system are quite obviously not benevolent. They are not noble. They are not elite. They are insane!

🥊 Diminishing Power

  • This is not because the power to control is increasing. It is because this power is indeed collapsing. The “control system” has entered collapse.
  • Their power has been based on deception. Their two great powers of deception, money and media, have been extremely energy-efficient means of control. But these powers are now in rampant collapse.
  • This is why they have moved urgently to institute physical control measures. However, physical control is difficult, dangerous and energy-intensive. And so, they are risking all. They are risking being seen. Is this not a sign of desperation?
  • Where will they hide when they have all of the assets, when they have damaged all of humanity, and caused billions to awaken through suffering?
  • They promote the belief that they are all-powerful. They are not. All they have had is the power to print money. The rest, they have usurped from humanity.
  • If the people behind this Great Taking persist in their insane schemes, they will inevitably be found. It will be quite simple to follow the collateral to those who have arranged to take it. Perhaps they aren’t such masterminds after all!
  • We will come to know who is behind this hybrid war against humanity. We will come to know who controls the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve System, and all central banks globally, and hence all political parties, governments, media, and armed forces. We will come to know who controls the CIA.

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Check out my other summaries of some related books here on Stacker News:
I should also have referenced more detail about how ALL securities being easy to confiscate:
  • Ownership of all securities as property has been replaced with a new legal concept of a "security entitlement", which is a contractual claim assuring a very weak position if the account provider becomes insolvent.
  1. All securities are held in un-segregated pooled form. Securities used as collateral, and those restricted from such use, are held in the same pool.
  2. All account holders, including those who have prohibited use of their securities as collateral, must, by law, receive only a pro-rata share of residual assets.
  3. “Re-vindication,” i.e. the taking back of one’s own securities in the event of insolvency, is absolutely prohibited.
  4. Account providers may legally borrow pooled securities to collater- alize proprietary trading and financing.
  5. "Safe Harbor" assures secured creditors priority claim to pooled securities ahead of account holders.
  6. The absolute priority claim of secured creditors to pooled client securities has been upheld by the courts.
In summary...
  • Essentially all securities “owned” by the public in custodial accounts, pension plans and investment funds are now encumbered as collateral underpinning the derivatives complex, which is so large—an order of magnitude greater than the entire global economy—that there is not enough of anything in the world to back it.
  • Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities described in court documents as “the protected class.” Even sophisticated professional investors, who were assured that their securities are “segregated”, will not be protected.
  • Account providers are legally empowered to “borrow” pooled securities, without restriction. This is called “self help.” As we will see, the objective is to utilize all securities as collateral.