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The Real Secret is that your dreams come true by acting on them
‘Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.’ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
what was your "aha" moment with stacker news?
What made you realize you have the resources and capability to create that dream?
My dream is to be useful to as many people as possible. SN is just the tip of that dream's spear (and it still doesn't have much of a point yet tbf). I didn't have the resources or the capability to create SN when I had this dream. After mining ore and learning to smelt and smith and building failed spear after failed spear ...
SN, itself, is a stream of aha moments. I was originally inspired to create this spear tip by @RyanTheGentry describing @paul's Sphinx Chat at an Austin BitDevs, "Aha! Bitcoin micropayments can be used to solve digital commons problems! Oh, I've been wanting a Hacker News for bitcoin! BitDevs is like a Hacker News in person and it's amazing! Hacker News is a commons!"
My dream isn't nearly satisfied. I'm pretty sure satisfying dreams is about continually acting on things that may satisfy the dream though. Thinking about the dream is part of acting on it but it's not the cause of the dream happening.
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