Jimmy, my man these polls man you do such good work for the space yet, why you bother with all these polls? I just find them lame but who cares what I think..
I like them
That's cool @k00b and this is your world that you built and I'm just a visitor but I think they are lame, sorry
I just see them as engagement farming, really
I like the polls too, its interesting to see what other stackers think, and most of the time I dont have a witty or meaningful response to great posts......makes me feel like a real SN participant.....but then again I am pretty lame.......
You aren't any more lame than the rest of us. Communities are about us all being lame in our own ways together.
fine, I just think sincerely Jimmy has so much more to offer, I really just hold him to a higher standard, he brings real good value here sometimes, like the time he helped that girl with the technical know how, of early era wallets etc
if Jeff Booth, Saifedean, Preston, Lyn etc started blasting the world with useless (in my mind) polls, I would lose some respect for them also
Jimmy has done so much for the space, workshops, debates, books, conference talks, going to congress if I'm not mistaken. and more. Legit super high quality work!
I know Jimmy is your friend @k00b, and you want to make him feel welcome here as you do with everyone, and I am aligned with that mostly
Enjoy the polls people! I just don't see the point of people like Jimmy mass mailing his polls to the world each week.