I always say there is nothing more high-time preference than being hungry, Bitcoin is an amazing form of money, but you still need surplus and free cash flows and conviction to take advantage of it, not many people have those 3 things going for them right now.
I also saw the hyperinflation in Zim, I've worked for Zim companies, and I've seen how you they had to pivot to South African rands or USD to keep going and how out of wack pricing for everything becomes as their base layer gets rugged
In places with high inflation, I don't think it's about the poor running to Bitcoin, but the middle class, hyperinflation is a time-compressed wealth transfer to the rich, upper middle class, and politically connected if you're not one of those 3 you need to find something to hold on to, or like you say you end up with zero but you're not going to look to BTC if you don't know it exists or its properties
For sure Bitcoin education has to be adapted for different people, while I got OP'd by Andreas A, he might not appeal to everyone, he might reach the tech guys, but that's where it stops, you get a lot of finance guys now, and they speak in their circles, that's why there is so much opportunity, be it different languages, or speaking bitcoin in terms that a certain interest group can understand.
People also relate to locals who can explain things, like here in SA we've had 3 big Bitcoin ponzi schemes, all driven by the fact that people took a bit of BTC info and wrapped it into a story that resonated with people, it drew in millions before they exit scammed, now imagine if they didn't do that, and those people ended up with self custody sats, would have made a major impact.
here in SA we've had 3 big Bitcoin ponzi schemes [...] it drew in millions before they exit scammed, now imagine if they didn't do that, and those people ended up with self custody sats, would have made a major impact.
Ugh. And also imagine how everyone who knows those people now probably thinks "btc is for scammers". What a headwind.
Lol 100% if ever I talk about BTC, you'll get that one person trying to dismiss what I say by bringing up MTI (Mirror trading), Mining City, or Africrypt, like its some kind of dunk.
There are a few smaller ones going right now, which i've tried to warn people about, and got a few people out in time. But there are too many, I can only warn people of the ones that have a visible social media but there are those that stick to WhatsApp groups, which are much harder to expose.
These scams are quite popular here, and one of these local Ponzi bros here even started his own political party, FML!
Thank you for your service :)