In this simple post I would like to express my gratitude for everyone created and involved in SN, I will try to summarize how this 'virtual space' has helped me in the last few months.


On that date I started exploring LN, I don't have much experience with programming but I'm a great user and I also like playing games, when I say I like playing, I really like it! to the point of not taking a shower. But that is beside the point.


I found a website where they had several instructions on how to win SATS, I looked one by one looking for bugs but I confess that I simply wanted to win more SATS, I was lucky enough to find a game with bugs, luckily I would like to write without working with names, It means that to continue writing I will use some metaphors from now on.


I found a cell phone game that paid in SATS, the bug was as follows.... You accumulated the minimum withdrawal, requested a withdrawal and minimized the game... I would wait a few seconds for the SATS to enter your LN wallet and then go back to the game.
When doing this 'step by step' you returned to the game, your SATS were in your wallet, but the game still showed the minimum withdrawal amount, that is... you withdrew more and more SATS, but your game wallet it was never empty, except when the cell phone crashed before you left the game, in most cases there was no error, the bug was correct, I simply bought 5 cell phones and managed to collect a lot of SATS.


Unfortunately or fortunately, there was an update to this game and my bug went away... I was desperate because I didn't want to surrender to the system and prostitute myself for a few dollars an hour. This made me look for new ways of 'working' luckily I found SN and it all started...
In here I didn't find any 'bugs to explore' but I found an absurd source of teachings, it seems like a large community aligned with a single and exclusive objective, to accumulate SATS. I was so obsessed with this site that I cut my hair because it took me +4HR to redo my braids.
I was simply hooked on learning how to accumulate SATS, but reality knocked on the door, I had to sell all the SATS I had accumulated and the next day, I was called to work at a LANHOUSE, believe me, LANHOUSE still exists!


I'm at LANHOUSE and after the first month working, today I found some time to come and thank you for this scheme of distributing SATS to writers, this is incredible I'm speechless for all of this, my only wish is the usual ACCUMULATE SATS
Welcome aboard, homie. Pura vida.
tmj paizao
We are changing the future! Let’s go!
All of this is too surprising! Yes, we are changing the future! Now!