I'm here!! Been around for 7-8 years. I have helped a number of women get into bitcoin (as savings technology), but when I travel and attend meetups, I still often am the only woman there. Most people, not only women, do bitcoin "quietly", meaning they just save/invest for themselves, but they don't need to go all in and become part of the community.
I've noticed that many women dismiss all things money (not just bitcoin) because they think they are not good with finance and they think they are not good with tech. Both is not true, of course. But Bitcoin is both finance and tech, so it's a double whammy in terms of confidence. In my experience, though, women are much better investors than men (generalisation, I know) because they tend to be a lot more cautious and careful.
I've also noticed, though, that women - and actually every noob, regardless of gender - just need a teacher that speaks their language. I've seen many people walk out of "Bitcoin for beginners" lectures, also men, because things just went over their head, or they just didn't see what it had to do with them.
I do think Bitcoin knowledge spreads much better peer-to-peer. If I find myself in a 1:1 conversation and understand what kind of personal situation a person is in, I can make it much more practical and tangible for them and talk about Bitcoin in terms of that specific situation.
In general, though, I think the worse inflation gets, the more people will wake up and notice what a giant problem they're having, and that there is only one thing that can fix that - Bitcoin.