it is a bit inconvenience that need to switch to phone, it would be so much nicer if they had a web page, and then people could listen and zap with Alby without doing anything extra
oh I found him on SN! @codyellingham
Hey thanks for sharing Darth, this podcast is actually by me. Check out more here:
ah so you are not controlling the @codyellingham alias? Sorry I couldn't remember your alias here.
I managed to log in to this account, can confirm @chungkingexpress is my main account!
yeah fountain web is not suited for that. sad.
but it is already able to listen on desktop, all they need is to put the zap button and integrate with Alby.
ah ok now I get what you mean, just to one click and send, like on YT for example. I think the LN address must contain the ⚡️ to be able to do that.