Nostr has been growing fast, it is all i ever really do on my phone, and my only social media besides my X account which i only use to promote nostr. While a lot of people can see the importance of a platform like nostr, many will fail to see the point. Do you believe Nostr will become the next Twitter/X? Or will it remain a platform where only people very into bitcoin and freedom go? What would be the benefits of having millions of users, and what would the drawbacks be?
I don’t use x anymore, I’m just on nostr and stacker news. I don’t really care about nostr adoption, I’m just excited about new features and improvements.
Key management would be the biggest hurdle slowing NOSTR adoption, imho regular people just not gonna be comfortable with long string of random letters & numbers.
If people are easily forget their password, how do you even expect people to keep their key securely ?