Not a good idea to rank products with votes/sats. MANIPULATION will always happen. That will end up in false information and herd is really dumb an follow, without even verifying. "Best" ranked in Bitcoinlandia is not always the best... there's no such thing as "the best" in Bitcoinlandia.
Just my 2 sats.
Sat ranking could be one of a number of ranking options available for visitors.
For example, all e-commerce stores give visitors the ability to rank products by:
  • price (high to low)
  • price (low to high)
  • recently added
  • in stock now
  • etc…
I really like stacksats site. Is a very useful site that I usually recommend to newbies. If you want to go down this rabbit hole of ranking is up to you. Just be aware of my comment.
appreciate the feedback.
right now i’m in charge of ranking, and it feels like that’s not a great long-term solution.