On my way to being 18-0 in these competitions, I feel it!
Dolphins Saints Browns 38 points
With a 38 point tiebreaker? Haha
I am anticipating the tie breaker won't matter :)
Also, think those teams suck and will slug it out in a low scoring afair, 21-17 Browns!
Oh sheeit, though tie breaker was always the Monday game and didn't read it until now... whatever let it ride.
Threw you guys for a curveball this week. Figured since there were 2 MNF games I would use the SNF for tiebreaker.
Makes a ton of sense, reading comprehension was lacking earlier.
2/3 ain't bad but not enough this week.
Watson blew it! Siggy and I may have split it if not for that fumble. Sloppy week for me, I vow to clean it up and return to glory!