I love your enthusiasm and what you know. Not sure what is difference of Foundation (has entity in all countries also to push an idea locally as non profits always like FIFA?) maybe you could create a “framework” based what you know (how to run a foundation) so that everybody could run one, help / teach others how to run so and plus side is for “donors” who donate and for everybody who likes to see everything transparent where the money (even came from also?) and where it was and will be sent so like non profit / federation always but full transparency that does not exist at all now (because of FIAT fcukery) because with accounting you can hide things quite easily, at least this is my understanding.
I’ve also had idea in the past, Bitcoiners m should have as a minimum every country or even every country biggest cities. Could start with one in every continent.
I myself would love an automated nonprofit / federation to push RA disease awareness in every country and that diet change, supplements and simple exercises can change peoples life and even get to long term remission.
I would love to help in any way or brainstorm together in case how to make it happen.