I think if I understand you correctly you don’t want any “organization” anything collectively to manage any sats.
You only want a souvereign individual to manage their sats.
So if sonebody has a team of 2 that manages a lightning node with sats, you are against it. Fundamentally. Because only sovereign individuals should be able to manage it.
So basically you cannot have a business of more than 1 people managing bitcoin.
A school managing bitcoin is also making it shitcoin.
Because a school is not a sovereign individual.
I see your point. But I don’t agree.
For instance I think Michael Saylor with his company MicroStrategy is not a sovereign individual, there are more people involved. And it gas nothing to do with shitcoinization.
You can be yourself a "LN bank" for your local merchants too. Here is a guide https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-private-banks-over-lightning
I wrote several bitcoin guides, over 60... you should read them all.