Let me ask you differently @DarthCoin: how would you “organize” 10 billion sats for the vulnerable people in the world? The ones tgat need education, a roof, anything? How would you “organize” those sovereign individuals that are spread around the world to do something collectively good?
You are standing there on the mountain with your lightning sword.
How would a wise man like you solve this puzzle? No shitcoins, no foundation. But how?
Peer to peer?
I have seen many people here on Stacker.news. And there is an Austrian lady doing great in Africa with bitcoin, WITH her foundation. And she is not shitcoinizing any bitcoin.
Bitcoin is freedom, but first is SELF RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions and knowledge. People MUST learn themselves how to manage their own finances with Bitcoin. Bitcoin in this matter is a NATURAL SELECTION. Not for the weak, only for brave. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/what-is-freedom
You can create any foundation for educating people, that is perfectly fine. But not for a global Bitcoin managing finances to each loser...