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I wrote a nodejs program to test how many hashes my computer can generate per second and it's about 100,000
which means it would take me a full day to generate a single petahash
miners measure their rigs in petahashes per second. My laptop can generate 1 petahash per day. Which means a 1 petahash asic would be 86400 times faster than my laptop.
Also, if you can generate 1 petahash per second that's worth about 2 sats per day
Which means it would take my laptop 86400 days, or 236 years, to generate 2 sats worth of hashes
Do you have this nodejs program shared somewhere? I’d like to look at it, for academic purposes
var crypto = require( 'crypto' ) var sha256 = s => { if ( typeof s == "string" ) s = new TextEncoder().encode( s ); return crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', s ).then( hashBuffer => { var hashArray = Array.from( new Uint8Array( hashBuffer ) ); var hashHex = hashArray .map( bytes => bytes.toString( 16 ).padStart( 2, '0' ) ) .join( '' ); return hashHex; }); } var i = 0; var hasher = async () => { var hash = await sha256( `test ${i}` ); i = i + 1; if ( String( i ).endsWith( "00000" ) ) console.log( i ); if ( i < 1000000 ) hasher(); } hasher();
Conceivably, you could run multiple instances of this program at the same time to get more output out of your laptop, right? Surely this isn't making the most out of a multi-core processor?
I realize the difference between an ASIC and this is still astronomical, but for the sake of argument.
GPU-optimized algo should be much faster than the CPU one, before ASICs Bitcoin was briefly mined on GPUs
Most definitely. I am mostly just asking to see if every hash of performance was squeezed out of the laptop for the sake of comparison
I don't know how to do that though, or how to tell my gpu to run a program instead of my cpu
bitcoin is dead πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
no way, that can't be happening, what happened to the miners?
This time forever!
530 EH/s and counting ;)
Just Moore’s Law in action
sheesh.. wen zettahash?
So you are saying that there is still a chance for me to lotto mine with a raspberry pi then?
771 today according to mempool
now show shitcoins hashrate