Lol learn to read
If you don't want to use Magma, just use liquidity ads. It needs a lot of UX help to make it easier to use, but it lacks incentives for anyone to build improvements.
Amboss could make an opensource app that implements this automation on the node using magma API. But they want to nudge noderunners into disclosing their inbound vs outbound balances. So they make the automation server side and closed.
Not only does amboss erode the privacy of their customers, but also the privacy of their customer's channel peers.
With enough nodes volunteering their balances, amboss can deanonymize payments, identify net-payment flows and sell this information.
I'll share this with the team! We were thinking this is the way to do fulfillment since that needs private key access, but it shouldn't be hard to do completely client side. It's been possible for over a year now since we launched magma.
As stated in the announcement, balances aren't required to use hydro. It can work using only public info (capacity).
We'll roll out accounting & audit functions for (primarily) businesses that need third party validations and share balances. Also, pathfinding support for improved payment reliability & insights.