I want to pivot my bussiness and target to BTC companies and customers but I've some issues about the defition, how would you name this type of branding? Here some of my suggestions:
  • Bitcoin branding
  • Bit Branding
  • Bitdesign
  • Block Branding
  • Satsbranding
  • Satdesign
I'ld be please to read yours.
Well, if you're an expert in branding this should be the easy part right? 😄 jk I get it.
I'm no expert, but I think it's really important to understand the culture of your audience. When you understand your audience deeply, it tends to come much easier.
I really like double entendres in a name because you can pack two messages into what's normally just one - which I suspect initiates intrigue. When I find the right name, I get this feeling that there's no other possible name. It happened with Stacker News and it happened with Outer Space.
For a brand helping bitcoin brands, I'd look to signal that I
  1. understand bitcoin deeply (perhaps only in a way insiders would recognize)
  2. have world class taste.
I'm not sure what the right name is though.