Did Fawlty Towers get a showing? Saturday Night Live can be very hit and miss even today. I recall Brewsters Millions as a great Pryor film and Eddie Murphy was also pretty popular along with his films. We used to have to get those on VHS though
Yes. We loved Fawlty Towers. "Manuel!" I only liked Saturday Night Live until Eddie Murphy left. Haven't watched it since. Where did you grow up?
I spent a lot of time all over the place; Europe, Canada, United Kingdom. The one constant has probably been British comedy.
For absolute years I've always wondered about this - any ideas why this is the case?
I guess this is the billion sat question that's been asked for years. I guess there's no a straightforward formula.
Just enjoying yourself and not having overbearing production constraints might be a large part of it.
Perhaps also having production costs covered by a publicly funded broadcast organisation. At that time the BBC were moving away from informative and educational programming (watch early Dr Who or the earlier work of Michael Palin etc) into more pure entertainment. I suspect a lot of the quirky comedy projects would have been a hard sell commercially.