There's an awful lot to dislike about the Bitcoin Standard book (it veers into cultural criticism with extremely sketchy history, just google "degenerate art" to see what I mean).
BUT it is the best structured intro to the problems with money and how bitcoin is the solution.
Based on this, the best orange pill approach is open to conversations about money first and foremost. When people understand the problem with money, they can finally see the solution in Bitcoin. Without this foundation it's too easy to dismiss everything about the project.
As an outline:
  • Discuss the problem with Fiat money
  • Introduce how Bitcoin solves the problems of centralized issuance and debasement
  • Now you're ready to talk where and how to buy sats, perhaps introduce kyc considerations
  • Final step is the importance and practice of self custody
I agree fully. Saifedean often posts distasteful 'hot takes' and namesalls etc on his social media. Doesn't come off well IMO. And the content gets a bit subjective in the book but you're right... they way it's structured tells a strong story.
Saifedean pretends to be toxic, then blocks people who disagree lol.
@real_vijay book or free article is easy to understand
I consider the Vijay article very accessible and the best option. Short read only but introduces you to the basics and can mos def blow minds.