I got my wife to watch videos about the history of money and central banking (which is like the appetizer to the orange pill) by offering to buy her a literal crystal ball.
It was a bit tongue and cheek and she was interested in econ anyway, but the fun+incentive made it more tolerable I think.
You’re lucky! Mine tolerates me doing all this bitcoin stuff but could careless about anything economic related from the technical perspective that I enjoy learning about it.
I mean mine isn't much different. It helps to frame it in their own terms sometimes.
My wife is a literal clown so the last time we seriously discussed bitcoin was how it might be used to busk.
my wife: fulltime work and raising 3 kids under 8 > bitcoin
i think people only learn about bitcoin - when they are ready to.
THIS! This is 100% why I posted this. My blindspot.
You've suggested to gamify it and make it FUN with something unrelated that the person is already interested in. Love it!
k00b with the bitcoin crystal ball πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I might have a good idea to help onboarding the ladies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I mean, a better direction is to think about what most women like to do.!
my wife is thinking only how to spend as much sats she can...
She is literally like in that meme:
  • "honey, let's buy a new sofa"
  • me: no. we don't need a new sofa, we need more sats to save. the old sofa is just fine (I was using the mind trick force here, heheheh)
LOL! I always joke that out of principle a lot of us don't ever want to sell! hahah. "make them all pay!"
Don't get me wrong. I want to spend my sats, but ONLY on things I really need, when is really needed. Not just for the sake of spending.
there we go, and what do women like to buy the most?
EVERYTHING ? Maybe I have the wrong wife ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But she wants to buy all kind of useless things.
πŸ˜‚ I used to like buying things too, but after I learned about Bitcoin, damn, I need to stop buying useless things! but now I have graduated to make my own things - better quality and more fun.
Just got my new clothes from tailors this evening, and they turned out so good; I'm so going to walk around with my own designs instead of being told what's popular each season.
Tim Draper (Bitcoin super OG) was predicting a Price Pop when women are more able to purchase daily items with Bitcoin and Lightning. His predictions never are accurate but this was his thesis at least based on demographics and purchasing.
I think that will be at reverse. When more people will use btc as money to buy things directly, the price in fiat will be stable. Why ? Because NOBODY will sell it in exchanges (speculation). Everybody will just use it, without any fiat crap. Yes, the prices in sats for goods will still fluctuate but according to free market (demand and offer).
Let's stop having that fiat mindset.
Maybe I would share all the processes like how you build your Citadel in a bit, but I am not sure how many people would even think to make clothes themselves because buying is so much easier and even cheaper... not to mention the majority of plebs are male πŸ₯Έ
Yes! My educational business partner in teaching finance and Bitcoin is a lady and we see a huge disconnect in the % of women in STEM and finance.
Elaborate more for me...
Also Krista from Access Tribe is really honing in on this...
Which videos did you guys watch?
Hidden Secrets of Money is what we started with which was a @Darthcoin recommendation IIRC.
indeed. If you do not know the roots of the money, the roots from where the evil comes, you will never understand the true power of bitcoin.