I almost exclusively listen to prog rock (e.g. this and this) and prog metal (e.g. this and this). I cannot stand the endless repetition in most genres (e.g. 20 seconds of melody/harmony/rhythm repeated to make a 3 minute song); most prog music is substantially less repetitive than most genres.
I find new prog music through Wikipedia and ProgArchives. Usually the best prog albums (yes albums, not just individual songs) have the highest rating and listenership. Ordinary people do have a sense for good music, if only they were given the opportunity to hear it.
super interesting, thank you for sharing! the first "this" you linked is awesome, though i'd prefer that for a day off 🍄 versus working soundtrack ;)
to each their own!
my man. i'm also a prog metal enjoyer, haken's latest album is just wild.