Since we only received a few responses regarding a live chat during a game I think the best strategy is the "if you build it they will come" strategy.
So, there are two MNF games this week: Game 1: Saints v.s Panthers 7:15pm est Game 2: Browns v.s Steelers 8:15pm est
I checked my local tv listings and I have access to both these games through the various TSN (Canadian version of ESPN) channels I get. I have to take my daughter to dance class on Monday evening and then pick up my wife from work but I should be good to go around 7:45pm.
Anyone interested in chatting on SN while watching either of the games Monday night, feel free to jump on. I don't think any of us have much of a rooting interest in these games but the weekly pick em winner will be decided during these games so 1k precious sats on the line should add a little spice to the mix.
No need to confirm or deny.
Sats for all.
Cheers, GR
Looking forward to it. I'm guessing nobody picked any of those teams for the survivor pool.
@blokchainB has the Saints locked in for this week. So far this is the only pick of a team playing Monday night. Still waiting on 3 more picks.
Let's face it champ. No one is going to show up.
"One is the loneliest number"
Give me browns!
You want to change your survivor pick from Saints to Browns?
Oh nah I though this is for the weekly pool
For the weekly you have to pick all three games and the tiebreaker.
Good idea. I'll probably check in. Keep it informal.
Yeah I figured that is the best strategy.