There's a lot to discuss about self-sufficiency. I started myself, after I moved from big city. Great decision. Here is one of my garden in 2015 - link to postimg gallery to not spam here with lots of images.
Was another experiment of mine. Growing your own food is not for saving money. Sometimes you will spend more than just buy it. But the joy you have to grow it and taking care of it is UNIMAGINABLE. Also healthy, for mind and body.
I will recommend to all here: get the fuck out of city, in a rural area and grow your veggies. You will never regret it.
Now I am moving even further, deep into wilderness where I will build another vegetables garden with greenhouse also.
My advice to those who want to start:
  • in growing your own veggies, there's no need to follow exactly others advice about how to plant, how to seed, water etc. FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT and if you fail, no worry, start over, THINK.
  • plant only what you think you will eat 100% and do not waste. Plant only enough for your consumption. You will really regret to throw away to compost what you can't eat or put in conservation
  • do as much as you can canned conservation for winter. You can't imagine how man y things you can do simply.
  • don't waste your money on complicated, expensive and useless tubes and systems for irrigation, think simple, spend less.