Hi @nullcount , yes, it can be difficult. NixOS and https://github.com/fort-nix/nix-bitcoin have made it a LOT easier these days to run your own bitcoin node and lightning node.
That inspired us to create the Sovran Pro, to make it super easy for folks for the whole package.
If you need help, just reach out and I can help answer any questions so you can do it yourself.
Anyone can run a node real easy. Umbrel is way easier than nix for most. Just one curl script, then browser app to install apps.
But neither umbrel nor Soveran makes it simple to accept LN payments on a publicly accessible website hosted at home.
Users still have to port-forward/proxy their BTCPayServer or LNBits, connect it to wordpress woocommerce or build a custom site.
Wish there was an easy tor-only version of wordpress, that came preconfigured to use LN, it would be huge.
Custom shop platforms like SqueakRoad and Super's MagicWebstore are easy to host and integrate with LN, but missing the rich suite of plugins and themes of Wordpress.
Would be cool if Sovran offered a proxy service so clearnet apps hosted at home could use sovran's servers to proxy apps. Maybe for a subscription. Yunohost does something like this for their self hosted apps.
Thanks for the suggestions regarding the proxy service. I will look into. So far, clearnet seems to still be the standard when one needs a to serve a web service to customers.
Yes with Sovran_SystemsOS and the Sovran Pro there is nothing to install (server end). It runs out of the box. So it is simpler to set up then Umbrel. No terminal needed.
We walk the user through opening up ports on their router. So, they get one-on-one attention with that.
Yes, correct the user will still have to learn how to use the frontend software on BTCPayserver, Wordpress, and RTL (if they wish to use Lightning). However, this is the same as using any other custodial company as they have their own proprietary user interfaces the customer has to learn.