Thanks for your efforts. That's really admirable.
My sense, from spending a bunch of time in shelters, is that a lot of them are so absolutely gobsmacked with trying to keep their heads above water, that any additional mental load -- even a generous offer like yours -- is too much. The lady who runs the shelter where we just got our cat seems to be barely holding her sanity together. People who run shelters are driven by compassion; the mission is all-consuming. It doesn't surprise me that they don't have time for what probably, to them, seems like some weird scam.
Would it be possible to help setup for btc donations, and also help them convert it to dollars? So you're there for the whole lifecycle of it? I wonder if that message would go over differently, something like:
There are lots of people, all over the world, who could donate bitcoin to you. Bitcoiners love to support institutions that take bitcoin, and principles-driven people. I can set up a thing to take donations, and then every week or two I can come and convert it into dollars and send it to your bank. Or you can have someone else do it, if you don't want it to be me.
Something like that?
You are pretty much spot on. Also congrats on the new cat!
On my last email I explained what could they do with the BTC received, the options were: Buy a gift card from Bitrefill so the shelter can buy food for the dogs at Carrefour for example, buying from another business link to and the last option was to contact me and I'll go there and exchange cash for BTC.
I know the shelters are with plenty of work and learning about BTC is not a priority yet. But I'm sure that it will be a great use case for Bitcoin.