Does anyone know more places?
The main idea is NOT about "major businesses" to onboard. FUCK THOSE! but the small shops, near YOU. Read here
Geeze are you out of you mind?
McDonald's accept in El Salvador AFAIK. But need to remember that McDonald's is a franchise, not a single global company.
do people still go to mcshit? Is mcshit still considered a "major" chain to be taken in consideration for bitcoin? And as you said, is 99% franchise, that means each shop owner can accept btc, if the mother office do not tell them to stop. What happen in ES is because they are forced by law and even then, they accept "chivo dollars" not real sats.
McDonalds is best of these fast food chains, better than Burger King, CFK, Hesburger and others. So, sometimes I do, yes. For example, when I need to drive 200 km and it's on the road and I don't have time to sit down and eat properly.
P.S. AFAIK in ES they don't use Chivo, but OpenNode or something like that.
I prefer to die but not eat in those putrid chemistry factories... And no, in ES Mcdonalds is using "chivo dollars", that means fake money. If you know how Chivo wallets works you will understand.
For example, when I need to drive 200 km and it's on the road and I don't have time to sit down and eat properly.
happy quick death
My heavy foot on acceleration pedal will more likely cause quick death than food I eat. :)
I bet there's a less probability on making an accident because you didn't eat from mcshit than eating from mcshit and get a disease/cancer and die... and what is most important: nobody will tell you that was because of mcshit. They will invent whatever other "syndrome".
happy infestation with mcshit! more sats for me
No, LOL, there have been driving situations in my life in a past where I have been just lucky, max second or two from a certain death.
And no, in ES Mcdonalds is using "chivo dollars", that means fake money. If you know how Chivo wallets works you will understand.
Forbes wrote they use OpenNode for checkouts - Which means all BTC go to OpenNode and McD receives USD at the end. There is no Chivo involved from their side.
Forbes... LOL I have REAL testimony from a local that they use a shit system of "chivo dollars"... Please come back to Earth.
There is no Chivo involved from their side.
Even that means, they do NOT accept BTC! Please stop defending fiat crooks!
I don't defend them, I don't care about their business, don't own McDonalds stock or something, no interest there to defend them. But If Bitcoiner wants to eat there, it's just more easy that he can pay with sats directly, instead of doing BTC to cash non-KYC exchange conversion somewhere and then paying with cash, which is extra time and effort. If company don't want to hold Bitcoin they potentially could, that's actually not bad for you, you have more time to stack sats cheap.
All I know from a person I have met that he paid more than a year ago with BlueWallet using LN there without problems.
Wow, thx for the list...
Well, since Bitcoin is a worldwide payment solution (it's more than that, I know...), it'll find a lot of scenarios of use.
Personally, I enjoy McDonald's, Burger King and other major fast food chains, I just like it (as well as I like burgers from smaller restaurants ).
But the reality is, most people will buy at the cheapest place. Those who can offer such products today are large business.
There are simply no small markets (groceries) around me. The same can be said about drugstores.
Even the small business owners runs mostly franchises.
But that's the reality here where I'm living now. Where I used to live before, most of the business were local.
I might be wrong, but the best scenario for Bitcoin is a universal adoption and for a lot of time it'll work side by side with other payment solutions.
Gotta understand most people care about saving their money (or Bitcoins) and not too much about the ideology.
IMO, for business adoption, especially the small, the best reason for Bitcoin is tax evasion. Again, that's a truth where I live, it might be different somewhere else...