I usually try at the start of my conversation with them to focus on the terminology they already understand and use on daily basis. I immediately show a live version this speeds up their thinking of how they might want to show their product or service.
Here's an example of one of the sites
It uses Shopify WITH Ibex for the payment method IT ONLY ACCEPTS BITCOIN.

If they want to see an example of invoicing a customer who might still want to pay with credit card, Bank ACH or Bitcoin. I email them a zaprite invoice. At this point I usually do not push things.

Simple comparisons
  1. Make an invoice.
  2. Send the invoice.
If their customer does NOT want to pay in Bitcoin I can show them to accept the "order" and send their customer in invoice using zaprite.com
The customer can pay you however they want ACH, Credit Card, Bitcoin.
I try and stay to continue the discussion with them of that maybe their good customer is not YET using Bitcoin, that's okay, "your customer will start seeing the option for them to start paying in Bitcoin when they are comfortable".
Then they usually ask
How will their customer get some Bitcoin ? How can "I" get some Bitcoin ?
I usually ask if they have an Android or Apple phone, and if their comfortable I show them a Phoenix wallet on one of my phones and show them that if they install a wallet on their phone right now I can send them some Bitcoin.
If that takes place I start talking about Lightning, or show them Ibex POS on my phone or website and show that they can get daily SATS sent to the wallet they want.
I guess this is a short answer, some of my wholesale friends, customers, I've know for many years. Some are highly educated but over think everything.
Some have attended a Bitcoin meeting with me and are now focused on part 2, pricing in SATS issues.
Kinda related Food for thought........
I get some negative comments online from some people that criticize that I'm still showing in USD first and then transaction convert to SATS. I understand their point of view, but I would say the majority of those people are not actually in a B2B ownership, do not yet actually work with companies in other Countries.
They also do not YET understand there are duties and other costs that need to be declared at some point in their Country when they receive goods from the USA, in the USD. So eventually in a few years pricing in SATS will be part of the norm, I repeat part of the norm.
Hope some of my comments might help
Thanks Rich
p.s. I'm migrating globalmerchant.io to the Shopify with Ibex AND adding my own form that would populate the details for a zaprite invoice. should up and running next week.