been working on new songs with my band for our second EP...the plan is to hit the studio this December to record it
for anyone who's curious, i just uploaded our first EP onto Wavlake. thanks to @DarthCoin for telling me about this project!
LFG! Time for zapping music!
Sorry I would have some observations (please don't take me wrong):
  1. voice level is too weak compared to the rest, increase the volume for voice
  2. the guitar solo is nice but put some more volume when is the front solo
  3. put some "strong" engagement in the voice. Comparing with the rhythm of the rest is like from another song. The battery is like on a heavy metal, the voice is like blues and the guitar is on another planet. Sorry, please accept critics. Have some harmony in the group.
do you have some tracks on
no, i haven't heard of this before but this is very cool. looking into it now, maybe i'll have the tracks on there later today 😎
Earn sats directly with your own content man, No intermediaries. Also look into