There has been a lot of study of cults and controlling behaviour. The reality is that genuine cults such as the Mormon Church, Scientology, etc, rely on a lot of controlling and emotionally manipulative behaviour which Bitcoin communities / users do not have. (I say Communities because Bitcoin itself is a technology, and it is only the human structures on top of it that we are talking about here.)
There is a useful model and acronym for understanding culte behaviour: B.I.T.E Model by Steven Hassan

Behaviour Control (B): This category explores how manipulative groups regulate and dominate their members’ actions and behaviors through strict rules, rewards, and punishments, limiting individual autonomy.
Bitcoin Users: There is no control mechanism, there are various subgroups of users within Bitcoiners. At its most basic, a Bitcoin user has a wallet and a node. That is it. There is no one else in the picture. It may seem like there are strong opinions in certain areas, "No shitcoins" etc, but I do not think these are anything akin to real cults.
Information Control (I): Examining the tactics of manipulative organizations to control information flow through censorship and propaganda, restricting members’ access to outside perspectives.
Bitcoin Users: Are often, but not always, pro-free speech and pro independence, actively seeking out truth.
Thought Control (T): Focuses on psychological techniques used by such groups to shape beliefs and attitudes, suppressing critical thinking and promoting conformity.
Bitcoin Users: Many are pro family, pro autonomy, GTFO, critical of everything. Consensus is an aspect of Bitcoin tech and communities, but it is also part of almost everything humans do.
Emotional Control (E): Explores how manipulative organizations manipulate emotions, fostering dependency and loyalty through love-bombing, guilt, and fear-based indoctrination.
Bitcoin Users: Logic, low-time preference, rationality, mathematics, and economic reality.

Note: The public "shunning" of certain outspoken individuals on twitter etc may seem related to some of the above, but it is just typical internet behaviour IMO and would be very similar if you switched "Bitcoin" out for a sports team, brand, or some other thing that people are passionate about. No one is getting actually shunned and forbidden from seeing their family or friends because of Bitcoin (A common cult tactic in Hare Krishna, Mormon Church, etc).
thanks for breaking this down, the bite model is quite interesting