All my life I had pets. Dogs, cats and other domestic animals.
What I learned?
  1. When you are young, kid with pets, is just fun, but also you learn to be responsible for them. Is good that if you want to educate well your kids, give them the responsibility to take care of them. Not just for playing ! Will teach the kids more than you can imagine. Animals are really smart and can relate very well with kids. And they can heal wounds also... not just physical wounds.
  2. As adult, is a very good companion. All the time. I could say that is even better than wife/husband because they cannot talk to you and especially scream to you or molesting you. They just want food from you and give you unconditional love.
  3. In time, you will learn to talk with them. Based on their personality and habits, you will learn how to communicate with them or interpret what they want to say to you. That will create a big bond between you and them. But be careful, this bond have its reverse: the departure from a loved pet will be much painful than you think.
  4. They always came back to you. I had many pets that died. And I am telling sincere with the hand on my heart: they came back to me, in form of another pet. I felt that, not just once but 3 times. Especially cats. That gives you more comfort and peace.
  5. Cats especially, are bad energy eaters and giving back the good energy, re-filling your body. How many times you get home tired after work and just sit and immediately a cat jump on your legs and start snoring and sleeping? That means is detecting the bad energy (tiredness) and the "feed" from it, giving you back that "puurrrr" vibration. That vibration is very important for your blood pressure. Try keeping that cat purring close to your heart. You will see that in few minutes you feel much better. Then they will just leave you when they feel that the bad energy from you is gone.
  6. Play with them all the time! Do not escape any opportunity. Is keeping them healthy and intelligent and also is disconnecting you from any bad thoughts, worries etc.
What should I say more? Who doesn't have a pet, doesn't have a good heart and soul.
They always came back to you. I had many pets that died. And I am telling sincere with the hand on my heart: they came back to me, in form of another pet. I felt that, not just once but 3 times. Especially cats. That gives you more comfort and peace.
Honestly Darth this scares me, since I've experienced the exact same thing. We have a dog that my wife has observed, in passing, acts like a cat I had as a kid — but I haven't really articulated it like you did here. Gonna think about this one.