Very good question. In the beginning no, she's usually very reticent at all what am I doing in life. But always in the end she came back to my "solution" because there's no other one better.
But now she's supporting me even that still she would not like to live full year there. She's more like a "city girl" (opposite me). I think she just want to see how is going until where I could go... but I think she knows that I am really stubborn with my ideas until I will get them done. Her hopes that someday I will gave up, are destroyed over and over with each achievement I obtain.
I never give up on my dreams, until I die. and I will die working on my citadel for the next 50 years more if is necessary. Never surrender.
Will see if she will come with me... it is a long way until is ready.
As someone who used to work for a country guy who built a wireless ISP from nothing, who earlier in life divorced a city girl, I wish you the best in this endeavor. Women will always want what other women have and follow the crowd. They wanted the nicer cave, the nicer mud thatch, the nicer hut. people have trouble expanding their viewpoint to a larger time scale, they don't see all the the fiat slavery and debt and hard work and the time that it requires to be away from their families. The here and now ignores the future pain. When we become jealous of others, we are inviting the hidden tragedy, heartaches, broken families that goes on behind closed doors.