The Cult of Respectability
These are your normie friends and family who believe every regime approved narrative as it comes out, but acknowledge many of the past instances of being lied to. No matter how many times they're lied to, they always trust the proven liars and experts who are always wrong over the "cooks" who are skeptical of them.
I love the apologists for a regime among them as well; ‘they made a mistake but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t believe them.’ No, we shouldn’t believe them because they are proven crooks and liars.
The defining feature of this cult is that every benefit of the doubt will be extended to the regime and every smear of regime critics will be accepted.
It's all about believing what they are supposed to believe.
This one really fucks with me. If a person constantly lied to your face, you'd stop believing them.
I find these to be the most frustrating people to talk to, because they'll grant pretty much all the premises, but still not draw the obvious conclusions. I'd much rather talk to someone who I just disagree with, because we can at least have a real conversation.