Just discovered the show through this episode. Not done watching it yet but I love it so far! I really like the work that goes into editing, on top of the content. Quite refreshing!
Could nostr ever add forward secrecy?
Forward secrecy for what specifically? Private messages?
For everything. Does a node need to know who a note came from in order to post it to the correct location?
Perhaps it’s not possible because nodes act as mail servers and routing servers both. Not a very private system.
I think you are misunderstanding nostr here. Users create events attached to their pubkey, they publish it to relays, and their followers or whoever query that relay. Relays are dumb -- they do not do anything with the events except storing & retrieving.
Ah yes. So it’s like a bulletin board.
So the node knows who posts a note and they know who requests the note. There’s no “routing” other than responding to these put and get requests.
Because of that, there’s no concept of “forward” secrecy because there is no forwarding at all.
Nostr is awesome. Lots of people just experimenting and having fun. Good mood over there! Check it out with any nostr client or just use https://nostr.rocks
Once you have set up your keys, follow jb55 and his follower list to get started with some cool peoole! https://nostr.rocks/32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245
"Edward and Stef talk to Fiatjaf: in his own words, just a humble programmer, but in fact a real Lightning Guru and the builder of the LNTXBOT!
He shares his opinion of the Lightning Network, BOLT12 and about the adoption of Bitcoin and Lightning in his neighborhood in Brazil. Fiatjaf further talks about the effect that LNTXBOT has and shares future developments. Finally, he talks about his work on nostr, an open protocol that allows the creation of a global social network that is resistant to censorship.
Fiatjaf as a developer is a real free spirit and always thinks outside the box to experiment and develop decentralized tools for everyone!
Be inspired and watch this episode!" - Jonī Kyasshu
🤝 Join Connect The World • Telegram Connect The World: https://t.me/connect_the_world • Twitter Jonī Kyasshu: https://twitter.com/Joni_Kyasshu
⏱ Timestamps 00:00 - Intro - “10 Questions” 02:50 - Part 1 - Connect The World community 08:53 - Statistics 10:14 - News 18:53 - Ring Of Fire (ROF) 25:11 - Lightning Notes 26:47 - Part 2 - Guest: Fiatjaf 33:16 - “21 minutes” 57:47 - Question from our last guest 1:00:31 - Outro
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