The more important question, have you started brewing experiments to eventually become self sustainable in terms of beer? :)
I was thinking about that. But the water is not so good for beer, contains too much lime and also the ingredients will not grow well at that altitude of 1400m.
Is ok, I could carry 10-20km a backpack full of beers every week or so. I am building also on the back of the 1st house a small room to deposit (in fresh) all the food and beers for long time, up until 2 years. Just in case...
you can plant a vineyard and you can make wine, all you need is two rows, towards the south but I know you know that....
Yes there's that option in my mind too. The thing is that is quite high altitude, 1400m and vineyard is hard to maintain at that level. I will have instead plenty of fruit trees... that means a lot of alcohol from them, distilled. I know how to do it, I did many times in the past.
Water can probably be purified... but sourcing the other ingredients might be trickier indeed...
I am purifying the water for drinking, but it still contains too much lime and the taste is not good for beer. It will be a shity beer, expensive to do and maybe not so healthy.
Cost me nothing to bring regular beer. I have a grocery guy that brings me packages to the nearest village. I pay in sats and nobody ask questions. Why complicate things when there are simple?
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