Looks great. Keep working on this dream of yours. Very inspiring.
Small question, are you anything worried of being doxxed by the pictures you're posting? It's quite impressive what people can gather from small details such as vegetation, type of construction material, etc
Nope. Why?
  • To reach that place is really hard and almost nobody took pictures there. Is not such touristic place and also is kinda abandoned valley, is mostly for cows. The locals knows me and they know that I started, sometimes they came and visit me, but are my friends. They are just curious about the project, they are impressed about my willing to finish it. Nobody did something like that in centuries there.
  • even if they could locate somehow the region, I don't care too much. If somebody will come I will just ask: who are you and why are you here on my property. I am guarded by trained wild boars too 😂😂😂
  • the place will be revealed when will be 100% ready, but is a long way to the top... if you wanna rock'n'roll