And sharing all the trial and error throughout the ways to earn more sats. ! 🤣
Looking forward to hearing more insight from you; I am experimenting with making my own clothes with tailors atm; It is not as cool as you build Citadel with your bare hand, but damn, it is so much fun having the freedom to make your own things.
I am experimenting with making my own clothes with tailors atm
You see? You are not afraid to do it! I saw many people that are afraid even to think that they can do something by their own...
Humanity somehow lost their abilities to think and do something by themselves... sad. And on top of that people now use shitGPT for everything LOL
Haha, I love trying different things, and with a really simple login in my mind:
  1. if someone can do it, then what stops me from doing it?
  2. what is the worst thing that can happen? I got to learn something new anyway, even if it "failed".