A particularly insidious group I have named the ‘coffeeladderati’.
This is a group of, usually boomer generation, home owners who state that any young person could own their own home and get on the property ladder if they ditched their daily latte. They are rarely challenged on the mathematics or assumptions that go into this - whilst their is a strong case for cutting discretionary spending and investing that money the advantages they enjoyed are not available anymore.
The days of secure occupation and eligibility for 5% lifetime fixed rate rate 99% self-certified mortgage on a £100,000 family home are just not there. It is a cult, pushed out by mainstream financial media, which separates the ‘haves who don’t appreciate that luck and hard work played their part’ and the ‘have not and cannot get even with luck’.
Lol Boomers can't even use excel sheets how do you expect them to understand any patterns or trends, they still talk about how they did it under higher interest rates and don't get that this isn't an argument for them, its against them lol
Yeah, higher interest rates usually mean lower prices, because they burst the bubbles created by lower interest rates.
What’s excel? Double entry bookkeeping in my day!