The EU is a big media construct. Politically You have at least three factions with their own interests and there is Davos utilizing institutions like the ECB to fulfill their own agenda. Now we see clear signs from the populous that regionalism and national movements are gaining traction. The war against the german industry could be a fatal trigger ti fracturing faster. That France is losing its colonial power does not help
Interesting - thank you. Any insights as to the general mood towards migration from the global south? France being traditionally quite welcoming with its historical links to certain countries. I recall the dark times of the 90s (?) in response to Turkish migration to Germany - some areas of Berlin were no go zones.
I have always considered the tension in the EU as between industrial north and agrarian south. France and Germany as the real powerhouses and hence the real control but obligated to hold together some shaky economies like Greece, Italy etc.
Europe is facing a continueing migration crisis that will especially hit the german welfare state and destabilize the country even more. That was the purpose from the very beginning: weakening the industrial center of the continent. If You ask Yourself who could have interests in this - watch a little further to the north-east where You will find an island with a group of very powerful people running the show. I am watching how the Fed system has taken its capital off their market (LIBOR) and what consequences this could have in the long run...
I have been following what's going on with the coups in Africa. Do you think the CFA franc is in real trouble?
The CFA is dead. The DOD clearly refused to help France and now they are powerless. Niger is pushing the price for uranium from 0.8 to 200 USD for Paris. That's the middlefinger
That's good for Africa. I guess France's free ride is ending.
It's done. And Wagner is the guarantee in the background. Wild days...