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Try this. You can go live to sell your art, sell it in auctions and get tipped. It's like Etsy + Twitch but for BTC LN
There are already a bunch of artists selling art and earning sats by doing this.
Allowing artist to sell art using lightning will be so awesome, especially for the unbanked artists around the world! We already see artists using this to sell commissioned work to their customers, like a fiverr type behaviour.
As a developer in the team I am completely biased and shilling here :D
But you can check out our recently launched service which is a combination of art lightning marketplace and live streaming where you can watch artist make art.
Currently we allow people to buy art and tip using their Alby wallet and the artists receive the payments also directly in their Alby wallets.
Give it a try, maybe you have some ideas and thoughts on how to make it an even better Lightning (and Nostr!) experience?
You can download the app for ios and android here
On the web you can currently send tips using a webln extension. Soon you will also be able to buy art direcly on the web, but for now the marketplace is only available within the app through Alby.
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Thanks @nemo! We are currently only live in the app store and play store, we will see how best we can make an .apk available!
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Ya... it's kind a good idea if SN provide professional Service like "Fiverr" instead sell to $.. here we can get Sats to transact ⚡⚡⚡
You can build a reputation here and then use something like :)
You can put it in your bio and/or post about it.
We've mentioned that there will probably be a market sub at some point but I am not sure if it will be more than just external links.
I know it's convenient, but don't flock to centralized services like SN for everything. Using SN as a marketplace would be a ticking timebomb, imo
Maybe I should lead by example and sell something myself this way.
Just not sure what I should sell, lol
The UI looks kinda raw :P
Maybe I can sell you some CSS for the store from @supertestnet, lol
Lately I noticed @ isolabellart, not sure is selling, but it's definitely beautifying the SN experience, providing a bit of art here and there. Was hoping more people could appreciate the effort and reward her/he some sats... She/he somehow is selling art on SN, getting sats for providing pleasurable moment of visual gratifications :) @isolabellart keep it up 💪
Thank you so much for mentioning me. Yes I would love to be able to sell some of my paintings, on Nostr I have already had art admirers buy them for me. Here on my site you can buy them in bitcoin 🤗
@isolbellart It would be cool if you joined Gesso :) take a look at and feel free to get in touch if you find it interesting!
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