I suspect they don't fully appreciate how many businesses they harm or prevent from starting with the increasing hodgepodge of reporting and regulation requirements.
I'd really like to see very minimal regulation and reporting for businesses below a certain size. If we are going to have all this burdensome regulation stuff, it'd be nice for it to be progressively structured.
This is one large reason I’ve not started my own business. Too much paperwork and process to sort through
It definitely sucks. The worst part is your never really certain you’ve done enough of it. You end up having to trust other people to do it for you but then you’re liable for their potential incompetence.
It’s such a shit show. It’s all the ridiculousness an individual might experience with something like personal taxes times ten.
I suspect this is why business owners tend to lean right economically.
Yep, this is pretty much exactly what I expected. Never getting the explicit checkmark of approval that says you're good to go. Having to bring in "experts" to make sure your bases are covered, yet still being the one to take the fall if something goes wrong.
Personal taxes are already a mess, I can't imagine having to deal with 10x.
And filing a tax return is even more frustrating as a business.
I don't think they care. As long as their donors are happy and their voters will vote for them they don't seem to care.
I know. So lame.
Right, it’s just a numbers game for them, no humanity attached