maybe we will have bets on SN What do you think @k00b?
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he is dreaming of prediction markets, lol
not only dreaming, currently working on one!
"simple bets" would just be buying shares at 50 sats each (which expire at 100 sats if you win). So both sides bet the same amount.
But there are probably better solutions to "simple bets" than
edit: lol, this is a good image to test our image proxy quality
I am so excited about, I think I am setting myself up for disappointment when no one uses it, lol
But slow and steady wins the race :)
If you build it they will come.
I hope all this DC controversy lately did not put people off prediction markets.
Or worse, make them dismiss prediction markets because of DC / Truthcoin / Paul Sztorc without ever really getting the idea.
I don't think so. I think people are very open to experiments on layer 2 with lightning and liquid. They just don't want people to mess with the base layer.