• Check out the Pomodoro timer method (it's basically just using a timer, but with added intent and planning)
  • Timeboxing - Similar to Pomodoro method, it's another term for purposefully and strictly mapping out your full-day schedule (including things like eat / sleep / rest ) and sticking to it via tracking success and failures via calendar. The idea is to create a schedule for yourself that allows for some flexibility across the week, but also has constants (in your case FOSS contributions)
  • Check out the book "Atomic Habits" and the concept of "habit chaining"
  • If using your phone isn't cutting it, and it's distracting you as well, get a cheap digital stopwatch or some other analog method that isn't your phone
  • Make sure to add time for exercise depending on your fitness and mobility, it helps productivity
  • Meditation breaks, simple focus on diaphragm breathing (no yoga poses lol) help a lot in focus too.