type of shop your have nature resort
type of commerce tourism in european underpopulated rural area
how was the onboarding process Easy from my perspective, have studied and practiced before in the position to setup a private node (third node) for the family and provide everyone somehow access to it.
what tools / apps you used, in the beginning and later many of them, personally I tried as many as I can, skipping (tried, never used) the most common one like Muun, WoS. A good filter was always, if too many people talk about it, ignore it. I like to focus on niche things. Currently:
  • CLN node with Start9
  • Bluewallet
  • LNbits and extensions helps a lot
  • GetAlby as browser wallet
  • Custom website for booking and cms system accepting onchain and lightning
  • Custom POSs connected to the site db for menu and extra services (also payable with sats and BTC)
  • nos2x as NOSTR signer
how you improved your use of bitcoin apps using them, making mistakes... losing sats. Has been, and still, all part of the learning process.
how you consider bitcoin in your accounting (cash or "investment") cash
anything you would like to share Keep trying and upgrade your tools as your knowledge and experience improves.
wow this is nice! Thanks for the answer. I hope others will follow your example. You did all by yourself from the beginning or you got help from a friend? So as I understand the business is a physical place but you charge btc online from web? On site you have also payments for other additional products/services, so customers pay in person with BTC?
yes correct, at the beginning, as @supratic, a lot of reading and trying. My only references where people on chats and forums. Currently the S9 community it's proactive and feels in good hands from a software perspective. I'm comfortable using my hands so hardware wise had no problems to setup and maintain the system. The fact that as well we unified our accounting, booking, menu, pricing all in one solution has been the grease that speed up the whole business processes.
Correct, physical place and online + f2f BTC payments, people can pay in advance to make reservations, yes in BTC online. On site it's easy because staff use all the same system accessible online via any device. each devise is a cashier, so customers can order from the menu and extra services anytime during biz hours, and team member can take the order an deliver depending on skills and responsibility.