Considering Bitcoin Core code ossification is the process of making the Bitcoin Core code more stable and resistant to change and it will help to ensure the long-term security and stability of the Bitcoin network.
There are a number of reasons why Bitcoin Core code ossification is important.
Security: A stable and unchanging code is less likely to contain security vulnerabilities. This is because there are fewer opportunities for attackers to exploit bugs or flaws in the code. Stability: A stable and unchanging code is less likely to cause unexpected changes to the Bitcoin network. This is important for businesses and users who rely on Bitcoin to function reliably. Efficiency: A stable and unchanging code can be more efficient to run and maintain. This is because there is no need to constantly update the code, which can be time-consuming and expensive.
The Bitcoin Core code ossification process is gradual and ongoing. It is not possible to say exactly when it will be complete. However, it is likely that the process will be accelerated once 98% of the Bitcoin supply has been mined, which is expected to happen in 2030.
There are a number of arguments for and against waiting until 2140, when the last Bitcoin will be mined, to complete the Bitcoin Core code ossification process.
Arguments for waiting until 2140: Waiting until 2140 would ensure that the Bitcoin Core code is ossified for the longest possible period of time. Waiting until 2140 would allow for more time to test and refine the ossification process. Waiting until 2140 would allow for more time to develop alternative solutions to Bitcoin Core, such as alternative implementations of the Bitcoin protocol. Arguments against waiting until 2140: Waiting until 2140 would leave the Bitcoin network vulnerable to security vulnerabilities for a longer period of time. Waiting until 2140 would make it more difficult to make changes to the Bitcoin protocol, which could be necessary to address future challenges. Waiting until 2140 would make it more difficult to attract new users to Bitcoin, as they may be concerned about the long-term security of the network.
Ultimately, the decision of when and if to complete the Bitcoin Core code ossification process is a complex one. There are a number of factors to consider, and there is no easy answer yet.